Your Business Plan, Business Model and Financials
Startup Framework™
Starting a business, or a new project? iPlanner has been helping entrepreneurs develop their business plans since 2007 either as an individual business planning software, or used in conjunction with a Mentor to review the project online and in real-time. iPlanner is suitable for all existing and new businesses planning to:
- Raise finance for start-up or growth
- Better understand and manage the risks
- Communicate the company’s strategy and business model to the team
Online Business Model Generation
iPlanner is featured with a powerful business modeling framework to build up your business model canvas in real-time, online and hands-on with your team members.

Get started with a professional template
Our expert team has developed a number of easy-to-use business plan templates designed to help you organize and present your strategy in a structured and coherent manner. An extensive online library of business plan examples and How-to articles supports you along the way.
Get started with a document template and put your blueprint securely online so that you can then review it with your partners or a Mentor. You can share, save and return to your plan at any time as you go along. Your project can be accessed anytime and from anywhere using an ordinary web browser. iPlanner.NET is fully compatible with Microsoft Windows, Mac, and Open Source programs.

Take the pain out of financials
iPlanner’s powerful financial engine eases the pain by automatically calculating those tricky financials for you, at the touch of a key! And if you want to test different assumptions, for example, the forecast price or quantity sold, just change these numbers and let iPlanner do the rest.
Each project developed within iPlanner.NET has its own unique and secure network address (URI), which means that you can confidently share your plan online and in real-time with others you have chosen.

Small business support made easy
iPlanner is also a unique resource for Mentors and Coaches, small business support organizations, and multinational corporations for in-house use by staff.
Our cloud-based planning tool provides professionals with the following multiple-user benefits:
- Effective support to clients using a proven business- and financial planning framework
- Efficient use of mentoring time enabling more customers to be supported
- All the functionality needed to support a new start-up or project to raise funding
It achieves this by:
- Enabling you to build the right project support team to collaborate in the execution of each client project through the use of proven cloud-based software and templates
- Providing "what-if?" scenario analysis, modeling, and financial forecasting to help identify potential obstacles or missed opportunities
- Leading to a final business- or strategic plan complete with financial statements, cash flow forecast, charts and performance ratios to impress any investor, banker or government agency official
- Allowing you to assign a unique and secure network address (URI) for each project, giving confidential access to each assigned user anytime, anywhere
iPlanner uses a robust and secure cloud-based IT infrastructure so that you can be sure your strategic business plans will be treated in confidence.